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As appealing as dentistry may seem, it is actually a very challenging and exhausting profession. Since one encounters people from all walks of life in this field, it is more suitable for patient and tolerant individuals to pursue it. Otherwise, disagreements may occur, leading to dissatisfaction. Nobody wants to be a patient of a dentist like that, right?

If we provide more detailed information, dentistry is a profession with a high income. Some people choose this profession solely for financial reasons, but as mentioned before, they may not achieve positive results. Dentistry significantly contributes to the economy, and one of its great advantages is its suitability for a social environment. This way, you have the opportunity to meet multiple people. If you're a bit adventurous, you can even become friends with some of them. It's entirely up to you.

Before continuing to discuss the profession, I would like to touch upon our own health. We should pay great attention to the health of our teeth. If we neglect dental health, our teeth will decay, leading to bad breath. Tooth decay can also result in tooth loss over time, leaving us without teeth. Therefore, it is essential to regularly visit a dentist for check-ups. We must brush our teeth diligently after meals, in the morning, and before bedtime.

In addition, the health of our gums is equally important. By taking care of our dental health, we can prevent many illnesses. It's not just about tooth decay; a decayed tooth can also trigger many other diseases. In fact, a decayed tooth can even lead to a heart attack. Therefore, dental health is a critically important issue, and we should pay close attention to the care of our teeth.

Returning to our profession, working in a clinic exposes us to a beautiful and aesthetic environment every day. We are greeted by a wide, high-quality television in the lounge area, comfortable leather chairs to ensure patients don't have to stand, and stunning paintings hung on the walls. All of these elements make you truly enjoy your work.

Let's briefly discuss the stages of the dental procedure and conclude our topic. First, the dentist schedules an appointment with the patient. Of course, due to being very busy, this process may take some time, but it's worth the wait! On the day of the appointment, the patient arrives at the clinic, and the first thing we do is talk to the patient and then listen to their concerns because we are good doctors, after all. After addressing the patient’s needs, we take their mouth measurements and send them to the laboratory.

Once this process is completed, we perform various procedures on the patient’s mouth, such as tooth extraction, filling, or root canal treatment. Meanwhile, the laboratory works quickly. New teeth are produced based on the patient’s measurements, and the dentist requests them from the laboratory to fit the patient’s new teeth at the appropriate time. After some effort from the dentist, the patient finally has brand new teeth, and that’s when they show their first bright smile in front of the mirror.

We bid farewell to the patient, who is quite satisfied with the work done, and once again realize how sacred and beneficial our profession is for many people.

Miraç Şahin


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