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My Dream Utopia

My Utopia has access through a secret gateway. It is an endless paradise where everyone lives happily from head to toe, surrounded by lush greenery, bright waterfalls, and meters-long trees. Nature prevails over architecture; trees will never be destroyed for buildings. Instead, there are developments that technology cannot fully capture. Transportation is facilitated by flying subways, and unnecessary buildings are scarce. The few buildings that exist are suspended in the air, and not everyone can enter as they wish.

In my Utopia, there are people and animals of all races, including species you may have never seen before. The society has created rules together, resulting in almost no crime. Offenders are automatically expelled from the Utopia after a single warning, because everyone deserves a chance. Crime rates are nearly non-existent. Decisions are made by the people, and consensus is common, meaning there are rarely differing opinions. The state can function alone and loyal citizens play a crucial role in this.

Children are taught the values of society from a young age. They gain knowledge from life experiences, and their minds are not burdened with unnecessary details. Every child receives lessons about community values and self-defence. They can choose their profession based on their abilities or desires and can begin applied education to prepare for their careers. They are not forced to study unrelated subjects. In this Utopia, there are no concerns about the future, and there is no need to waste time lying around.

Every moment must be productive, so health problems such as obesity are rare. Sports and the arts are common. Theatres, operas, and sports facilities thrive, but don’t think of traditional theatres or orchestra centres; instead, the artistic expressions exist in the sky, with high ceilings and open spaces.

In my Utopia, no one aspires to other worlds because they have nearly every possibility. The field of health is advanced, but technology will never replace people. Robots are not permitted, as excessive technological advancement could threaten humanity itself.

Ayşenur Hamamcıoğlu


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